Your character burried something out in the woods. Today they have to tell someone...

Elisa’s Gone, But It’s For The Best

I’m so tired that feeling happy seems like something only fairly tale characters get. And something that I’ll never get. It’s the day of Elisa’s death, that brings me here. Out in the woods. Holding a shovel in one hand and in the other a small silver key. I don’t have The strength to dig, or to do anything. Elisa was the one who helped me burry this, and she was supposed to be the one to help me unbury it. Like she had promised six years ago. But now pinky promises and best friend hand shakes don’t add up to much. Just things kids use to bring themselves more pain when the other doesn’t follow through with the promise.

I stab the shovel in the ground and immediately hit something. I guess I should have known that little six year olds wouldn’t burry it deep. I kneel down on the ground, removing a small wooden box. Before we buried it Elisa and I both wrote each other a letter that we would read ten years in the future.

I put the silver key into its hole hearing a small click as I open the lid.

I take out Elisa’s letter, already Turing yellow from age. I look at the writing, it seems so good for a six year old no spelling mistakes. I almost felt like this wasn’t written by her. The words seemed like someone else’s.


I’ve always loved how are names seemed to match. And I’ve realized it’s because we are the same. I have to tell you something. Something you might hate.

I saw the future, the car accident on Rose Creek bridge. I couldn’t bring myself to tell you. But I want you to know that it’s okay. I was meant to die that day. There’s nothing I could have done to stop it. If I had then maybe I would have fallen off the bridge and drown. Or maybe I would have been killed by a bear in the woods. What I’m saying is there’s nothing I could have done to stop myself from dying. It was amazing being your friend and I want you to think of this letter as a apology for never telling you.

I love you,


I held the letter reading it over and over again. The way she was acting the last couple of days. I should have know something was off. I set the letter down and picked up a small package that Elisa had left for me. Inside was a necklace. And another letter.


It’s never going to be safe. Just remember that. And wear this. To make sure you are safe. I’m sorry I wasn’t here to give it to you.


I stand up and run. I don’t know where I’m going or who I’m running to. I end up on the door step of Kai’s and Tyler’s house. People I barely know and have only met once.

I knock on the door. Closing my fingers around the necklace.

Kai opens the door a half smile plastered on his face.

“I need to show you something,” I say my voice shaking.

Kai’s smile disappears, “Okay.”

He closes the door behind him and starts running next to me.

He stares at the wooden box his smile still not coming back.

Part of me thinks this was the wrong person to show.

He picks up the letter his face blank as he reads it.

“Elisa wasn’t safe,” he finally says. His words hit me hard.

I take the letter from him, reading it again.

“She’s gone,” I say, trying so hard to keep my tears from falling.

“She was psychic. It’s a sign. A bad one. If she kept living,” Kai doesn’t finish his sentence.

If she kept living I wouldn’t be feeling this way. My heart wouldn’t feel this way. I wouldn’t hurt.

“If she kept living then she would have turned,” Kai spoke like I understood what he meant.

“Turned?” I asked as I drop the letter. “Into what?”

Kai doesn’t hesitate, “A vampire.”

Vampire. Something about today was just getting crazy. Maybe I should have left this box for someone else to find.

“And that’s a bad thing?” I don’t even realized I’ve spoken until Kai starts walking.

“You have no idea,” he says as we walk out of the woods. “Death would have followed her around. Literally. Death isn’t a fun person. If she even is one.”

Death is a person. Everything Kai said kept making my head spin. I felt like maybe this was a dream. It was all to confusing.

“Death?” I asked.

Kai nodded, “She picks certain people and becomes there best friend. Then she turns them into vampires. First you see the future. Or more accurately you see your death. If you can escape it then you turn. I knew her. Rose. That’s what she called herself.”

Kai gave a small laugh, “Sometimes it still feels like she following me. I mean she probably is.”

I stopped a Kai’s door step watching him walk in.

“Maybe it’s best if you don’t know this,” he said, his smile starting to show.

He looked into my eyes, making me turn to stone.

“Forget you ever found that letter. Elisa died. It was an accident. And you know that everything was meant to happen. You’ll be sad but know that it was for the best.”

I nodded Kai’s eyes leaving mine, “Elisa’s gone. Buts it’s for the best. I’ll miss her.”

“Good night Elina.”

Kai gave me his small smile and shut the door. Leaving me alone.

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