The spell broke, and just like that, she could see everything with fresh eyes...

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The Change

I stood in the middle of the woods, holding a knife to my hand. Now, you may be wondering why I would be doing this. well I heard a tale saying that if you had a drop of your own blood, breath of a dragon, and glistening fairy’s saliva, if you followed each instruction exactly, a vampire would be summoned for approximately ten minutes and will turn you into one of them. Now, this could only be completed at the stroke of midnight on a full blood moon. I watched my clock at the seconds ticked on… 5… 4… 3… I got the blood ready. 2… and, finally… 1. I let my blood drop into the bowl of saliva and breath, using my arm to cover my eyes as a gust of wind appeared and out came who I can only guess is a vampire. “Tell me, why do you wish to become one of my kind? Why can’t mortals just treasure the life they have instead of always wanting more?” The vampire asked. “I- I am unhappy with my life. My parents were in a fatal accident years ago, my entire family blames me for it and now my best friend can’t even look at me. I don’t even know why.” I whispered, tears forming in my eyes. The vampire nodded, satisfied with my answer. He gently cupped my chin with his hand, angling my head up so he had clear view of my neck. He slowly brought his teeth to my throat, biting it, finally changing me. When he pulled back the spell broke, and just like that, I could see everything with fresh eyes.

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