
A gentle breeze caresses your face as you slowly walk through the forest. The sound of leaves rippling in the wind above you fills your ears to the accompaniment of birds and insects singing their primal songs. The sun low in the sky casts a crimson shade across the horizon that transitions to a deep blue above and a dark purplish black behind you. You smell the scents of wild flowers around you with the faint hint of dirt brought up by the recent rain. In the undergrowth ahead of you a catch glint of light off of something just peaking out of the brush. You crouch down too inspect the anomaly and find a silvery red object hidden in the thicket. You brush aside the dead leaves and sticks and find sitting before you a pearlescent red egg. You can see intricate patterns of dark lines snaking across the shell, holding your hand out to it revels a comforting warmth emitting from it. As you stand back up you notice that the patterns in the wheel seem to twist and reform as you move almost as if alive. You reach down and pick the egg up, its surprisingly heavy and even warmer to the touch that you imagined. You can feel more than hear a deep thrumming sound coming from the egg. As if in a trance you wrap the egg in your coat and protectively hold it against your chest. You begin to think how you will create the perfect nest for it when you get back home. You turn to leave but before you’ve made it a dozens steps you hear a distant but unmistakable thump…. Thump…. Thump… that slowly gets louder with each rhythmic beat. You break into a run, determined to get your new charge home where you can both be safe.

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