Submitted by Grégorienne
Write a poem based on the theme of anonymity.
You Are Loved
Knock knock,
“Who’s there?”
A list of names
Of those who care.
Your can of worms
Feel empty and dark
But people are waiting for
Your invite to your heart.
“Let us in, Let us in!”
“Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin”
So you huff and you puff
And blow the whole world out!
Anything to prove there’s
No rain in this drought.
Ears perched like a wallflower;
The world isn’t as dark as it seems.
There are those who love you
Beyond those you know as feinds.
They love in silence,
Set you up in success,
Cheering you on, and stressing
When you’re stressed.
But it’s hard to see when
You lock yourself in the basement;
Come out from the cold and into
The world of amazement.
Believe it and you’ll see it-
The warmth and charm
Of those who love and will
Hold you in their arms.
They’ve been watching
You all along,
Waiting for you to believe
That you belong.