Submitted by Freddie
Life Without You
Write a poem or short story about what life would be like without the person you care about the most.
Voided Together…
She lived with demons beating behind her ribs, and phantoms combing beneath her hair. Dancing tears like the crooked lines, her smile cracked out in despair…
He smelled like the ozone, as she felt him all around. His stormy hands shifting, beneath her gown. He isn’t really insane, his reality just differs in his cries. She knew it every time, she fell in love with the ghosts that lurked inside his eyes. She chose to dwell with him, in that thin place between now and never. Where he made there a paper queen; torn from an old world that couldn’t promise her forever. She swayed with dented memories, that were only meant for she. But that didn’t make her crazy; for all she knew was he. Their days were filled with static. Together, they would always overcome such tragic. Of course it didn’t matter, that no one else could see. They really weren’t demented; they were just merely meant to be…