

“Jasmine, I have no idea why these people keep honking their horn’s, that’s not going to make this traffic jam move any faster!”

Keisha exclaimed.

Jasmine sitting in the passenger seat of Keisha’s Kia Soul, briefly glanced up from scrolling through her TikTok videos on her cellphone, and began shaking her golden brown sister locks.

“ Wow! I know girl! that’s one thing that I’ve never understood, why people have the tendency to do that! But …when you come to think about it, we have been stuck in this traffic for about 20 minutes, so I guess everyone’s getting a little frustrated and irritated.”

“ I’m so glad we headed out a couple hours early to pick Tyrone up from the airport. I haven’t seen my “Boo” in six weeks, because he’s been away…”

“ I know Keisha! Jasmine playfully interrupted.

He’s been away for his national guards training.

Don’t forget he may be your fiancé, but he’s my brother!” She chuckled.

“ I just do not want to be late picking him up, because I know how it is when you come in from a trip and you’re ready to go home… but you’re stuck at the airport. That can be super disappointing. Keisha insisted, with a look of concern now on her face, as she surveyed the

bumper to bumper traffic.

The traffic would pick up and slow down but mostly they were inching along at a snails pace.

“ Keisha, thanks for allowing me to ride along with you to pick up my brother! Even though I did have an ulterior motive. She screeched, as and looked sheepishly, while twisting her locks with her index finger.

“Your welcome girl, you’re my soon to be sister-in-law” Keisha giggled. “Soooooo we’re going to be doing a lot of things together here in the near future. And I’m looking forward to it, because you and I have so many things in common, especially our love for thrift shop bargain finds.”

“You’re absolutely right “ Jazmine agreed, nodding her head up and down vigorously,

as they both erupted into laughter.

“ And that brings me to my ulterior motive…”

“ Wait a minute Jasmine! … Wait a minute! Yeahhhh! looks like whatever was causing the traffic jam is now resolved!” Keisha excitedly announced. She could now drive just a bit faster, but not quite the regular speed limit.

“ Yeahhh!” Jasmine now chimed in.”

Keisha! as I was trying to say… about my ulterior motive…”

“ Yes girl! spit it out!”

Jasmine gave a toothy smile. “Since we both LOOOOVE thrifting, and it appears we’re going to be a little early picking up Tyrone, do you think we could possibly stop by that new thrift shop which is not too far from the airport?” Jasmine asked with a bit of hesitation in her voice.

“Oh that’s right Jasmine! they are having the grand opening! for the new ‘Thrift and

More!’ Keisha cheered, as she glanced over at Jasmine, and gave her a high five hand tap.

“Thrift and More, I believe is only 15 minutes from the airport, so we should have time to run in, do a little retail therapy and still make it in time to pick up my Boo!” Keisha continued as they both smiled with glee.

Kesha continued to drive as she programmed the location for the new thrift store into her GPS.

After arriving at the new thrift boutique Keisha and Jasmine were overwhelmed and overjoyed!

They had hoped to have at least an hour

of retail therapy in before Tyrone’s flight arrived.

Keisha and Jasmine each hastily went through the clothing on the clothes rack, “I love this place!” Keisha shrieked.

“Me too!” Jasmine responded, as she held a purple and white cotton sundress, away from her to get a better view of the item.

“What do you think about this maxi skirt?”

Keisha asked. Do you think it’ll go with this lavender blouse? She continued.

“ I think I want to try this baby on” Jasmine responded.

“Along with those other five items that you have swung over your arm?” Keisha jokingly asked.

“Jasmine if you make me late picking up my Boo__”

“ I won’t Keisha I promise” Jasmine insisted as she glanced at her Apple Watch and headed into the dressing room.

After about forty five minutes of hastily shopping, they each completed their purchases, and were now weighed down with shopping bags.

The enthusiastic duo made their way back to Keisha’s vehicle.

“ What a great detour! Jasmine exclaimed,

flashing her bright smile.

“Yell! that was so much fun!” Keisha agreed.

Back on the road about ten minutes away from the airport Keisha spotted a sign that said

Garage Sale ( designer, purses, and shoes ).

“SCREECH!” Keisha slammed on her brakes and her car came to an abrupt halt.

“ Jasmine do you see what I see?”

“ Yes ma’am! …Yes ma’am! I noticed that sign from way back there! She shouted.

“Are you thinking , what I’m thinking?

Keisha‘s asked in a all to jubilant voice.

Her honey colored skin tone, and brown eyes glistened with joy.

“Let’s do it!” They both spoke simultaneously.

Just as they made their way out of the car, Keisha’s cell phone rang…

“ Hey babe!” Keisha excitedly answered .

You’ve landed?”

Tyrone exhausted from his long flight responded “Yes, we just landed… now heading to baggage claim. I can’t wait to see you Keisha! It’s been six weeks too long.” He spoke in his most sensual voice.

“Okay babe, Jasmine and I are just a few minutes from the airport. See you real soon!”

“Jasmine! that was Tyrone, we better head back to the car and get on over to the airport. His flight just landed.”

Jasmine already inside, where the

garage sale was under way, was in the process of trying on a pair of Jimmy Choo silver six-inch heels. “ Okay Keisha it won’t take me but a minute to try these babies on!”

“ Girl! Those are gorgeous!”

Keisha shouted! As Jasmine walked down the driveway and back, slinging her long, sister locks and sashaying as if she were a runway model.

“Jasmine your so crazy! you need to hurry up and buy those beauties before I do… “

Keisha laughed. Because we really have to

make it to the airport.”

Again, the shoppers made it back to their car, and thankfully the GPS indicated

the airport was only seven minutes away.

As soon as they pulled up in the flight arrival section of the airport, Keisha called Tyrone.

“Hey Babe! Jasmine and I are here…

I’m looking for you…I thought you would be done in baggage claim by now, and standing out here?”

“Hey Keisha! I was just getting ready to call.

The baggage carousel broke down and they just announced that it should be back up and running in about 15 minutes, so you and Jasmine…just sit tight and I’ll be out as soon as I grab my bags.”

“No problem Babe, Jasmine and I will be right here when you come out.” Keisha now ecstatic responded cheerfully, while looking at Jasmine and giving her another high-five hand tap.

“WHEW!” Jasmine that was a close call”

“But so much fun! “Jasmine chimed in.

“ Yes! Tyrone is going to be a bit delayed,

due to the baggage carousel breaking down …

I’m just so glad we made it in time!”

Keisha chuckled.

“Yes! I’m so glad we made it in time”

Jasmine agreed.

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