Another Excerpt From Novel

We plunged into the freezing cold water, and swam there, trying to find something to hold on to. I had no idea where we were, or even who we were. All I knew was that I was in a freezing cold ocean with a little boy in my arms that I knew I had to protect. Luckily, I saw a table that had blown off before we did and managed to swim to it and climb atop. It barely floated with our combined body weight, but we managed. The storm was knocking us about, and the wind tore at us. The only things we were wearing were our swimsuits and life jackets. Not much to warm us up. Declan especially couldn’t take it. Just as the storm was finally ending, he curled up in my arms and took his last breath. I didn’t know who he was, but I still felt the loss all the same, mourning for the family that did lose him.

As it turns out, it was my family that had to feel the loss. Umm… anyways… I kept us afloat, making sure I held on to his little body. We stayed on that table for a few days at least. It rained a little one of those days, so at least I got some water to drink. We passed by a fishing boat, who managed to get us off our table and onto the boat. I had no information to give them. I could only say that I had found us in the water with no apparent cause as to why we were there. They wanted to give Declan a burial at sea, but I refused, knowing that I had to take care of him, whether he was alive or dead. They relented and warmed me up after giving me some new clothes. They brought me here and checked me into the hospital. The people in my ward were all really nice, and sympathetic. The hospital tried to take Declan away from me, but I refused, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to see him again. They probably figured it was best to not anger the delusional amnesiac, and so they relented, and soon enough, you and Isabella were barreling down the hallway and I remembered my life again. And Declan.

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