Art by Sans @

Write a Halloween-inspired story or poem which includes this character.

The Man With An Umbrella.

His skin is pale, unlike anyone else’s. He’s slimy, dark and quiet. He waked aimlessly toward you, with an umbrella in his hand, even though it’s not raining. Your unable to move while he keeps coming closer and closer. By now you can se his dark painless eyes, and his green tone of skin. Without stopping, he keeps comming closer and closer until your noses are practically touching. He stairs into your eyes, not blinking not looking away. Your heart is beating the fastest it can go, sweat running don your forehead. He slowly opens his mouth you can see his Bloody mouth, teeth missing. You here a small whine. Everything goes black.

Jami awoke, having the weirdest dream he’d ever experience. He sat up, still in his house, nothing new. He could hear the rain slowly comming down outside his window. Nothing new.. nothing new.
