The Popcorn Machine

This mission was of words far beyond dangerous. Whould I survive? That was a question that had no answer. Not yet at least. And this is all because of a pop corn machine.

Two days ago, my mom bought a popcorn machine to place in the toy store she runs as a way to increase business and attract knew customers. But, someone has been emptying it out every hour, the cost of buying that much popcorn to refill the machine has been decreasing profits. So, my mom has chosen me to find out who was eating all the popcorn so that she could ask them to stop. It is a dangerous mission indeed.

For days I’ve been watching and waiting without finding anything. I told my good friend June about this and she advised me to put a video camera inside the store to catch the popcorn eater red handed. So that afternoon I hung up some old cameras that where lying around at home from when my mom was into photography.

That day, my mom had refilled the popcorn machine twice. Time to catch the culprit.

I pulled up the camera footage on my mom’s laptop. Me and my mom sat down, our faces glued onto the screen. I pressed play. Half way through I found my thief.

Turns out it was me. I guess that makes be since considering every few minutes I would grow bored and head over to eat a hand full of popcorn— I could help myself, I love popcorn. I have a problem.

I apologized to my mom. And promised to make up for the money I cost her in chores. I guess I costed her a lot of money because the list of chores she gave me is so long it’s my height, maybe taller.

I guess my spy mission is over for now, and I’m alive. Mabye my next spy mission will be even more epic.

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