Inspired by Kail Cleo
Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).
Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.
Pearl And Violet
September 8th 2021
Dear Diary,
Has anything been going on in your life?
Mines been pretty boring, I haven’t seen friends in a long time.
My friend Daisy hasn’t texted me in ages….that means somethings wrong. She’s probably mad at my for some stupid reason!
It’s so frustrating all I ever do is be a good friend then she turns around after we’ve been getting along really well and ruins it!!
And she says I’m doing mean stuff that I never did!! She also tells her mum and her mum banned me from coming to her house for a month!!
That’s not normal! And of cause I didn’t tell my parents anything so they were like ‘why aren’t you going to Isla’s house? You usually go every weekend!’
That was so awkward I had to do ‘oh she’s busy…’
Anyway let’s hope she’s not mad this time!
September 10th
Dear Diary,
I still haven’t heard from Daisy, I’ve kind of given up….
And my other best friend is on holiday! She’s so lucky!
It’s very rare that I go on holiday!
Anyway she’s on holiday with her cousins so she’ll have to play with them.
I’m stuck in my room writing diary entries and listening to music.
I just wish I had a friend with me!
I guess I could try Violet..?
September 10th
Dear Violet,
How are you?
Has anything cool been going on for you? Nothing much here.
Let me know what your up to.
And if your free we could organise and sleepover..? If that’s ok!
-From Pearl
September 13th
Dear Pearl,
I’m good, I just came back from the beach! It was so fun!
Yes I’m free we should totally organise a sleepover!!
What day and time works for you?
-from Violet ❤️
September 15th
Dear Violet,
It’s so good to hear from you!
Im free on September 17th we could meet at 10:15am?
Let me know if that works for you!
see you soon!
-from Pearl
September 16th
Dear Pearl,
That would work amazingly!!!!
I can’t wait to see you!!!
See you soon!!
-from Violet ❤️❤️