Write a hypothetical story about why the sun and moon change every night and day.
You may wish to take inspiration from cultural or ancient stories, childrens books, or fantasy tales.
Great question. You see, people have a day shift and a night shift. The sun and moon have been here long before that, of course. But, everyone needs a schedule.
So, whether or not you believe in the divine, how else would animals get sleep? Without night, you can’t have stars appear. Then you wouldn’t have people who study them.
Or astrologists. And the sea needs a moon to pull the tides. Like the plants need sunlight to grow. Not that earth had any plans for humans, but nonetheless, life would cease to exist without a sun.
Everybody else has a Sun and moon, anyway. Sure, this one will eventually kill us all in the end, but that’s not our concerns. Maybe someone once decided, one day, that Earth should be a planet for life.
Just took a couple maybe decades to get there. Life. That fish that walked on land. Mammals, dinosaurs. Birds. It’s a good thing the moon and the sun has been here long before they arrived.
Oh, and you wouldn’t have a breakfast, or dinner without a sun and a moon. Well, you wouldn’t have life without either of those things, to be fair.
You have them for order. Planets are celestial beings and they don’t have a cerebral cortex to form opinions. Which is great, considering humans trash earth all the time.
The real reason why they change every day, is because they have a complicated relationship with humans. They might not like us. But that doesn’t mean everything else has to suffer, right?
Imagine telling that to birds. Well, you see, humans are polluting and killing the life around you. Which has nothing to do with you, but because you’re on the same planet, I just can’t help myself.
Especially on hot days, the sun is judging you. All of us, really. Oh, and a bit of climate change, too. But the sun has always been judgemental, since day one. But the moon doesn’t get a ‘day’, so I guess that’s why it’s colder.
It’s also why you get your skin burnt from the sun, too. The moon is usually just a bystander. Whatever happens during the night, isn’t certainly any of its business. You have a night shift? Oh, well. Not its problem.
Got eaten by a coyote? Sorry, but it’s dark out to see, anyway. So if it happened, it probably didn’t to everyone else. It’s free territory, basically.
Somehow, nighttime and daytime just worked out. You don’t have night first thing when you wake up.
Natural order of things. I guess that’s why people contribute concepts like night and day to a divine being.
That someone, or something, out there made this for a reason. People want purpose. Or maybe hope. One of the two. You can likely believe it’s all down to science.
Maybe the moon is a person. Maybe the sun is, too. Things you can personify. Like those little suns on kids drawings with a smiley face on them. Certainly, you don’t tell a kid that the sun is, physically, incapable of feeling anything.
Because frankly it’s boring, the way things already are. That’s why people have philosophers. No, there’s probably not any good reason as to why the curtains were blue, but I digress.
The sun, like anything else, is whatever you make it up to be. They write poems about it. Draw things about it. Techinally, everything I said to you before, is all made up. But, you have to admit, it’s a lot more boring if I just told you the way it is, isn’t it?
Yes, it’s factual that the sun isn’t actually judging you, morally speaking. But, when you’ve got nothing but time on your hands, you can do what I just did.
Via, like everyone else, making shit up. For fun, of course. The sun can’t care for you, and it definitely can’t change climate change for you, either, just because it’s affecting you. JAnd you, peroanally, just don’t like how it feels.
Neither is the Sun an omniscient being like god. Because there isn’t any someone out there, punishing you with climate change, because you surely assume your actions led up to it. Because, obviously, that’s how it works.
The sun and moon are, luckily, devoid of consciousness. Consider it a gift. What would they do, anyway? They’re impossible to stop it, much like God. It’s always up to the people, whether they like it or not, to stop man made problems, in this rock of mass and land inside space.
You just have to, somehow, surive around whatever circumstances made around you. Whether you want to get up for the day or not, it is there. Much like the night, you have to sleep, have to work, as that is the necessary needs for anything.
Question it, or don’t. It’s up to you. Enjoy the sunsets and sunrises. Or, when the moon is peeking above the clouds, and you can’t help but note how beautiful it is. Maybe, in moments like those, you wish they could feel things.
But nature, like any celestial, doesn’t have the ability to know, or care what you think of it. That’s the repetitive thing about nature. Same goes with the plants, and animals walking among earth. Whether you’re the early bird, or the late night owl. It won’t cater to you, you just have to adapt around it.
Have to make breakfast, treat yourself well, repeat until the day you die. Unless, that is, you go quietly into the night. Then again, you don’t exactly get to chose your circumstances.
Just like how the animals do. When they chirp in the morning, or how you can see fireflies at night.
It’s their job to find every essential moment useful. It’s survival. You understand it, too.
When you have to prepare for work, even if the nature around you, wouldn’t understand a thing about a capital system. At least, they understand the simpler things. Eat, sleep, drink.
Oh, and try not to get eaten by anything dangerous, would you? At least, their predators can’t invent danger and torture like we do. Well, maybe the killer whales and dolphins would like to borrow a page from our book.
And many animals, who do as much disgusting things as we do. Take the naked rat. Yes, we recoil when he discover their ‘crimes’ (because what is a judicial system to a simple creature?) but, like the human, we don’t do much about it.
If it happens, it happens. Except, that carnivores don’t, likely are incapable, of inventing wars like we do. They don’t understand the horror when you realize you don’t have enough, or how will you afford enough to keep you alive? It’s a balance, I suppose.
You either wish to be an animal, set to its primal needs, or a human. And if you want to be a human, you want to be a human with the best quality of life.
Rich. Powerful. Wealthy. It’s the closest you’ll ever get to taking advantage of the consciousness you’re born with. If you’re all above the others, despite its unfairness, you get a chance to experience life freely. The way it should be.
And if you’re not that, then I’d recommend you wish yourself to be a domesticated pet in the next life. Of course, you’d have to be lucky. Love and loyalty isn’t easily accessible. Sure, as a human, you get to live longer than your domestic pet would.
It’s the closest you’ll ever get to feeling immortal. For when your pet, or a loved one dies, and you continue to live without them, that is immortality. You either watch them age, and forever stay young, or age with them. Of course, you don’t get the luxury to pass on with them.
Not everybody does, anyway. There isn’t an option where you get everything you want. Maybe, you’d be an animal, but your life would be thrusted into the palm of a stranger. You don’t whether or if they’ll love you, much like when you are first born.
You are, sadly, meant to depend on them for food, water, and maybe something unconditional. Or, perhaps you’ll carry that with you, and provide a whole new generation who is unloved, and unwanted. That’s your choice.
The earth, as always, will continue to exist and possibly thrive, despite the horrors you have witnessed. They’re man made. Earth cannot be culpable for man. Much like the celestial beings looming over earth, neither are they.
And they never will be. If the sun is a little hotter than you remember, or if the nights seem impossibly colder, remember: those are man made reasons. Every hot summer you have, or blizzard, or hurricane and fire, are only a result of mankind.
Perhaps, they wouldn’t have gotten to the extent as they have now, but like the sun and moon, how can you be responsible for corporate greed? If you wanted to see the Sun as a ruler, then it will punish everyone. Regardless if they are in a lower position as you, or maybe higher.
It cannot divide itself to pin down a hell fire. So, the animals, and including myself, have no choice but to take it. We can’t move away from this rock. And neither can the animals, as it is their home, just like it is for us.
That’s the unfortunate thing about it, isn’t it? That you can watch from a screen, as polar bears are struggling to find a meal for the next generation. Perhaps, in that moment, you can call it a mutual understanding. Because they are too many mouths to feed, but so little food you can put on the table.
And, as it is, just like you; they have no choice but to survive the circumstances placed upon them. They can’t do anything about it, and maybe that feeling you can understand just as deeply as they do. It’s unfortunate, isn’t it? Because you can understand, that the same polar bear on your screen, would attack you and rip you into pretty red ribbons.
But, you can’t exactly blame them now, can you? You are something they have never seen in their life, and of course, just like you; they can tear something into shreds, without question. Except that there is no after. They either eat you, or leave you as a carcass for the scavengers.
What a human does with the deceased, can’t even be as nearly as close to that. No one can deface the dead like a human would. Maybe, a dolphin might understand that prospect, because maybe the more closer you are to ‘intelligent’ - you are suspectible to great evil.
But when it circles back to the question, you’d appreciate the simplicity in an animal’s nature, wouldn’t you? Yes, it would be terrifying, none the less. Humans are unpredictable creatures. Animals, however, are not. They don’t have languages like we do, to abuse. To objectify, dename, dehumanize.
That’s what makes us ‘unique’, doesn’t it? Animals can be cruel, yes. But not like a human. Not truly, anyway. And it doesn’t seem to matter what atrocities are committed on this floating rock, the sun and moon can’t exactly intervene. Why would you make them conscious of it?
They are only spectators. Why would you subject them to that? Humans have already been bystanders to it, as it stands. We’ve already seen enough. More than any celestial being would, who has been here, long before we have. Long before we were a concept, and all they can do is continue as normal.
Whether great extinct happen, or world wars, there is nothing else for them to do. Other than continue as usual. Maybe something sad and terrible has happened, but why would they stop them? Whether you fill the world as you know it with hate or not.
Whether you die hated or loved. That is your choice, ultimately, you know.
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