Tilak Baloni @ Unsplash

Write the story leading up to, or leading on from, this scene.

The Boy

The day started out as any other. Mark had gone to work with the intention of getting an early start to the day and headed out onto the lonely stretch of road that led to his small office on the other side of the valley. This morning though things would not be normal by any stretch of the imagination.

Learning down to turn up the radio for his favorite song ‘Beat It’ by Michael Jackson he started to tap the steering wheel and sing along. His voice sounded good in his head, but it wasn’t like that at all, he was terrible, and he didn’t care. As he pulled onto the small bridge that crossed the valley a fog started to drift in obscuring his view, so he flipped on his lights and slowed down.

This bridge wasn’t one of those fancy new bridges. It had been there for years and was due to be shut down in the next year or so, but it was the quickest way across to reach work, so he took it every day. The supports made the bridge seem narrow and each side was divided by small posts to separate vehicles from each other and the metal bridge wasn’t starting to rust. You had to drive extremely slowly and the creaking was a little unnerving, but Mark didn’t mind because no one drove on here early in the mornings except for maybe the occasional bike.

As he approached approximately the middle of the bridge something appeared on the bridge, and it appeared to be a person. He slowed down even more just to be cautious when all of the sudden he slammed on his breaks. There in the middle of his lane was a young boy dressed in a school outfit that could be like the one Angus Young of AC/DC wore in his shows. He stopped and leaned out the window.

“Hey, what do you think you are doing out here?” He yelled towards the boy, but there was no response, so he yelled again. Still there was no response. The boy seemed to be just staring at him with a blank expression as if he hadn’t heard him.

Mark sat back in his seat and thought for a second. Maybe I should honk my horn to make him at least get out of the way he thought. He honked his horn, but the boy didn’t move, in fact it was as if his expression became more intense as though he was becoming angry. This actually scared Mark, and then he saw something that scared him even more. The boy began to float off the bridge, his eyes began to glow and then he started moving towards the vehicle.

Mark began to panic and began to back up his jeep. He kept looking forward and then back hoping that no one else had decided to take the bridge this morning. When he got to the beginning of the bridge he looked up front again and saw that the boy had disappeared. “There is no way he could have gotten off the bridge that fast.” He said out loud.

He jumped out of the vehicle and walked down the bridge a little and looked down, but didn’t see anything there either. Mark shook his head and got back in his jeep and finished the trip to work.

When he got to work and finally settled into his desk, he turned on his computer to check out the morning news a story popped up that brought shock and fear to him. There was a headline on the first page ‘Boy hit by car on local bridge’. Below the headline was a picture of the boy he had seen that morning. He was dressed in a uniform from the local private school. The story said that his body hadn’t been found, but Mark knew he saw him that day and never drove on the old bridge again.

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