
This isn’t going to make sense but I am you and you are me. We stand in danger. A move that you may not yet understand. However both you and I are in trouble and I need your help and you need mine.

I have found the tech in order to cross time and space. And as a fellow scientist you must be there soon. If not you have the mind to do so. I have added the blue prints to do so. I am sure you of all people can understand. Put it together and keep it hidden.

When the times comes we will find each other. But for now I need this of you. Knowing myself I know you can keep away. Everything is nearly identical in what has happened but now the tech is different equal the playing ground. For both of our worlds. It is the only way to save us. This not just from I to myself but from many other us.

Get the answers. Do it and you’ll see where the rest of us have failed.

To myself.

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