Submitted by Mel Davies

Write a story about a character who makes an incorrect assumption about someone or something.

Charity Shop

A group of young men entered the shop. They were laughing loudly and joking with each other.

They spread around the shop. Too many for me to keep an eye on all of them.

“This would look great on you, mate.”

From the way they talked I could tell they had been drinking.

They were rifling through the clothes section. Pulling out shirts, trousers, jumpers.

“Yeah, looks sick”

One of them now had a pile of clothes in his arms.

I half expected them to run out. It would not surprise me on this road.

As they came up to the till I asked “how are you doing?” just like I would to any customer.

“We are on a pub crawl and thought we would support the charity shop and surprise the girls with a change of clothes at the same time.”

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