
No sudden movements. Absolutely nothing. Even as far as breathing loudly would alarm them. So he forced himself to relax his heaving chest.

Theo’s hands were flattened against the cold castle wall, helping him blend into the shadows. To the left of him, using his peripheral vision, he could see a guard slowly walking closer and closer from the cobble stairs.

The guard didn’t see him yet, thank the stars. But Theo knew that it was only a matter of time before he grabbed him by the shirt and brought him to the chambers to await the expected punishment all thieves before him had faced; a hanging. Theo suppressed a shiver just even thinking about it.

He glanced at the golden crown that his hand gripped with sweat.

‘_If I live to see the day to actually make it to the alley markets,_’ he thought, ‘_I sure as hell hope that this shit will sell enough to make up for all the things I’ve done to get it._’

But that faith was slowly stripping away as the guard was only inches away from him.

Closer…closer…and closer— he could smell the foul stench of that oaf.

Theo breathed in and closed his eyes. Hopefully they would make his execution swift.

“Aasim!” Another man’s voice called from the top of the stairs. The guard whirled around to face the other.

“What is it?” He grumbled.

“We think that he may have gotten away through the third wing. We need backup to block off all the exits!”

The guard paused, and was beginning to turn around to check the shadows wall where Theo was before the other man’s voice called again.


“Alright, alright! No need to tell me twice…fucking hell.”

Theo was finally able to breathe once more and he broke into mischievous smile when he was sure they were gone before scaling the rough walls into the high window. He mock-saluted the castle before promptly scurrying off to find a good price for the princess’ golden crown.

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