The Ghost

!! RUSHED !!

The rough sounds of leafs crunching beneath my swollen feet is the only thing i can concentrate on. The sounds of whispers growing louder with every passing second. It’s been so long i can’t tell if the whispers are a calling for me to turn back, that i don’t belong here, or if its in my head. Seconds speed by like hours as i observe the trees around me. Thy’re the same trees I’ve seen since I’ve arrived here. Long logs of glowing ember, with lush green vines circle around the bark. The leafs are a soft violet colour that resembles the shade of my gown. As my steps become slower my mind wonders to that cabin i found. It had splatters of crimsons blood, the door was half ripped off and there was a small piece of ripped white fabric dried blood on one of the corners. When I continued down my trail there were a decent amount of fallen branches and logs everywhere, though one of them still haunt’s me. I found a dead, rotting corpse underneath one of the logs with his limps stuck in the air. My mind come back to reality when i bump into something. I look and see its. A tree, but i doesn’t look like the same trees i saw before. This tree has dark smokey bark, with sage green leafs with black splatters that make it look like paint. The tall tree suddenly starts shifting with thick black ash circling around it. The tree then turns into a ghost, a beautiful transparent woman.

“Hello?” I mutter out barely above a whisper.

The ghost turns her head to me before looking into a shattered mirror next to her. Her face looks old and withered with blacked out eyes. I flinch at the sight of her before remaining my composer. The fog that was surrounding us grows angry as does the ghost. She suddenly jumps and enters my body, a marathon of my memory’s play before my eyes. When i was born, when i was bullied, my 16th birthday, somehow entering this strange forest. Once everything had finsihed, the ghost vanished. Instead there was a small girl in front of me with black hair and pale skin just like the ghost. I reach my hand out to check if this girl is still a ghost before I realise that i can see right through my hand. I put my other to my face and start shaking. The little girl starts walking way from me and i try to grab her arm, but seeing her walk over my rotting corpse stopped me. I look over at the mirror the ghost was looking at earlier to see that I’m the ghost now. The woman must have switched our places, as i am now what she was.

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