Man’s Best Friend

They say you’re man’s best friend;

but I deem you mine.

Perking ears at the smell of bacon—

A damp, nuzzling nose when you know I’m on the brink of falling.

You don’t get mad if I spend my day with one person—

in fact, you revel in their company.

Exploring their quirks with a heart-melting smile,

Tongue-lolling, “I think I’ll keep you for a while.”

You don’t say much now, but you’re still man’s best friend.

Eyes communicating whatever you need.

Sat on the sofa beside me,

The soft hum of the TV, all worries freed.

I guess it’s naive.

To think this life would never end.

But deep in the caverns of this heart of mine,

You’re still man’s, and my, best friend.

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