The Beach

In the realm of distant memories, where time stands still,

A mother and daughter frolic on the beach, with sheer thrill.

Their laughter fills the air, like seagulls in flight,

While sister and dad splash through waves, pure delight.

Giggles cascade like gentle waves, rolling to the shore,

As the ocean's melody echoes, forevermore.

The girls scamper away, as the waves draw near,

Seeking hidden treasures, with hearts full of cheer.

Crabs scuttle in the sand, a game of hide and seek,

Their tiny claws dancing, making the girls shriek.

Mum throws sticks into the sea, for the dog to chase,

His wet fur and wagging tail, a joyful embrace.

And oh, the dog's playful shake, a watery surprise,

Sprinkling droplets like stardust, before our eyes.

But time has woven its tapestry, as we've grown,

The beach, once a playground, now feels less known.

The waves seem tamer, the laughter a bit faint,

Yet the memories linger, like whispers of paint.

For deep within our souls, the beach still holds,

The essence of love, the stories it unfolds.

Though we may tread different shores, far and wide,

The bond we share, forever by our side.

And as we reminisce, with a nostalgic embrace,

The beach remains a treasure, a sacred space.

So let us cherish those moments, etched in the sand,

For the beach, a timeless haven, forever grand.

Though we may have grown, and the fun may change,

The spirit of the beach, in our hearts, will forever range.

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