Submitted by Krisha Modha

Write a letter to your friends and family, inviting them to your final farewell party.

With Love and Happiness

There are many ways to say goodbye.

You can say ‘farewell’ or ‘safe travels.’

You can simply say ‘see you later’ or ‘have a great day.’

Yet with almost every common farewell, they are wishing you a happy future.

Translate ‘goodbye.’

There’s good in it.

Good wishings. Good luck.

It’s wishing for you to have good in the future they will not be in.

‘Safe travels.’

Stay safe on the road ahead. Maybe sure you be careful. We wish you the best of luck.

It’s almost always a wish for good.

There are many ways to show someone goodbye.

A hug. A kiss on the cheek. Just a few words. Maybe a party, like the one I’m inviting you to.

There are many ways to express goodbye. And how you express it is something you can choose.

You can choose tears, joy, frustration, anger. And I’m blessed that all of you decided to choose ‘good’ and ‘joy’ when wishing me ahead.

You wish me away well and with happiness.

That helps motivate me to strive for it.

I invite you to make my farewell full of this. A party to celebrate the next chapter, not mourn the last one. I would love for you to attend.

With love and happiness,

Sarah Johnson.

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