Once upon A December

Selena and her sister Aurora Leia were on a trip to Russia visiting the Alexander Palace once the residence the last Russian monarch Tsar Nicholas II wife Alexandra daughters Olga Tatiana Maria Anastasia Son and heir Alexei while strolling the long hallway in search of the bedroom the youngest daughters Maria and Anastasia next door to their older sisters on their way to the bedroom of the grand duchesses Selena and Aurora Leia began singing in Russian language with soft gentle beautiful sweet voices of the haunting melody reminds the sisters of the distant past when the close knit loving family would spend quality time together enjoying the peaceful precious moments while strolling the many chambers and corridors passing by the bedroom of Alexei walked a little further from the office where Nicholas II would write read important documents and having important meetings with his advisers regarding the status of the government. When entering through the door bedroom Maria and Anastasia the sisters were looking around the interiors while Selena and Aurora Leia were looking around the room spotting several photographs of the grand duchesses as little girls with their brother Alexei as a little baby then suddenly Selena hears the ringtone Gee by Girl’s Generation pressed the FaceTime app button the image on the screen said hello sweetheart it was her boyfriend Fuji calling from the recording booth at the music studio Selena said hello waved back to Fuji. Then Fuji asked his beloved girlfriend was she and her sister still visiting Russia Selena’s reply was yes they are the reason the sisters are now at the Alexander Palace to research the history and lives of the last grand duchesses while Selena was FaceTiming with Fuji Aurora Leia went towards a window overlooking the courtyard spotted a swing hanging on a tree branch Maria Anastasia and Tatiana played together as kids while tsar Nicholas II was busy in the office overseeing the documents with his advisers regarding the government while mother Alexandra was taking care of Alexei and their sister Olga was in the library with a tutor doing some reading and writing homework. Then Selena tells Fuji she and Aurora Leia would be heading home back Tokyo Japan in a few days before hanging up their video call Selena says to Fuji love you see you soon Fuji’s reply was love you too waved goodbye to each other after finishing FaceTiming her boyfriend Selena shut off the phone and put back into the backpack then Aurora Leia asked her sister who was she talking to on the phone Selena’s reply it was her boyfriend Fuji was calling earlier. The sisters resumed their exploration of the entire palace walked out the door headed to the bedroom where Olga and Tatiana lived together right next door to their younger sisters even though the Romanovs lived in luxury both parents taught their children to live simply with the bare minimum of love faith in god and their religious beliefs.

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