To Live To Die

The first day on the job

The cards tell me

To finish a dying man

Crying on his knees

I find his exact location

And arrive to see family

Gathered around his body

Everybody cries profusely

I scan the body lying there

My sources come to report

A father of two, dying of cancer

No mother was present to support

My heart cries a little

As I hold my scythe

Over the manโ€™s limp body

I check my list of tasks to do

And read all of the names

Of people of ages old and young

Who would breathe their last breath today

A girl has leukaemia

A mother lost her child

A father with cancer

And a boy who wants to die

I canโ€™t be the one to end these lives

That havenโ€™t even been lived out fully

The boy, the mother, the father and the girl

Will all live long, blissfully

As for my job, Iโ€™ve now lost

After making the right decision

We must all die someday, somehow

But sometimes weโ€™ve just got to keep living

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