Humans traditionally have five main senses: create a new one.

You could draw inspiration from the senses of other animals or plants and describe how it would feel for humans, or you could invent a completely new sense!

Sick Sense

Sight, touch, taste, sound and smell. The five senses that every less evolved human possesses. Many still posses only those five but many more have chosen to evolve.

There used to be a lot of talk about ghosts and the supernatural and psychics—people who could communicate with it, who could see it, talk to it. People were obsessed with the spiritual world just beyond our control, and they held this belief that to be able to interact with it was a feat in and of itself. A sixth sense.

And maybe they were right, but with all the talk going on back then about consciousness and the soul vs. the brain, it made you wonder if the really remarkable thing was that we could interact with that world or with this one.

I suppose there was just as much push back against that sense as there was about the one most of us have now. A lot of people are wary about worlds they can’t see, which is ironic considering how many people were willing to jump on a boat and sail to new lands they didn’t even know existed and claim them as their own. How many more jumped into a shuttle and were willingly launched into space to try and survive on planets we weren’t even sure we could.

But I suppose if you can see it and touch it—if you can feel its ground beneath your feet, if you can smell the salt from the ocean or the dirt from the rocks and you can taste it in the air—it’s a whole other story than if you can just see it. If you can feel it and experience it and be in it even though it shouldn’t exist, it isn’t enough.

It’s not enough to render a reality completely separate from the physical and spiritual world so you can walk through ancient civilizations, find lost cities, restore desecrated tombs, so you are right in the middle of cities and countries hundreds of thousands of miles away from you.

It’s not looking at a picture and thinking about what it would be like to walk through the streets of Italy or drive down a London road.

It’s not reading about the lost city of Atlantis and theorizing about how it got to be underwater or what a gladiator match would have looked like in the Colosseum of Rome.

It is doing and experiencing and living all of those things! It is virtual reality minus the dumb headset and the inability to really interact with anything.

Some people don’t see it as anything but artificial and they are right, in a sense.

We were born with five senses, not six. Five to interact with the world and make sense of the reality we live in.The sixth we manufactured for ourselves as a way to truly get the most out of life. There was never going to be a way that we could see and experience everything that there ever was and that there ever would be. Time separated us from so many places and so many cultures.

It was circumstantial, people never would have been able to do everything because they couldn’t, either physically or financially. With the sixth there is no circumstance that would ever have to stand in your way ever again. Not after finding a way to pay for it, that is. Technology like this doesn’t come free.

The microchip was designed and developed to be seamlessly integrated into the human brain to allow its owners to use the digital world to interact with our own world in a way that we never had before. It can completely tear down barriers and give you any of the five senses you hadn’t had before.

It is creation in its purest form. It is bending reality to put yourself in the place that you have always wanted and getting to interact with it. It takes everything humans have ever learned about anything and uses all the facts and data we have on a topic to create a completely authentic rendering of things we never otherwise would have seen.

But there are still those that think it’s unnatural. They think that for the five senses most humans are born with and the paranormal “sixth sense” that some seem to possess when it comes to sensing danger or something on a plane just out of reach—that gut instinct—are the true senses, because that is what we were given at birth.

What we created was not. It’s a choice and it’s unnatural.

They don’t think it’s a sixth sense, they think it’s a sick one.

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