Write a poem, in any style and genre, which ends with a question.

The question should be clearly related to the theme of the poem.


My lungs are filling with water,

liquid trying to force me to fall asleep,

trying to take away my right to breathe.



t t r

a e a e w

w w r a

just go ahead and take my breath away,

either give it back, give it back or take it.

Take it forever, and guide me astray.

I didnā€™t want to live anyways.

Take my breath away, take it, please,

my lungs are filling with water,

just like the eyes of everyone around.

ā€˜Donā€™t take my daughterā€™

My mother shouts without

making a single sound.

Take my breath away, take it, take it.

My lungs are torture enough,

just give me a reason to not have to see.

I donā€™t want to see this, anything but this.

Tears stain their rosy red cheeks,

and I see my world go up in flames.

Torture, torture, watching this is torture.

Soon I will be dead, but for now, not sure.

Take my breath away, itā€™s not that hard,

Iā€™m not a mermaid, I donā€™t breathe the ocean.

This wouldnā€™t have happened if Iā€”

This wouldnā€™t have happened ifā€¦

Go ahead and take my breath away.

Itā€™s not like they want to hear, anyway.

Take it, please. Put me out of my misery.

The water in my lungs, I canā€™t breath through it,

so how come itā€™s there, just to taunt?

Just take my breath away, and take it quickly.

How come itā€™s so hard to give me what I want?

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