
Bucephalus stepped gently through the portal and surveyed the room, including the unconscious pillars. "I never thought I'd be in the tower of Anwyn. Is this part of the Revolving Castle?"

Libra stared at him, wide eyed. "Oh, of course you know about the Revolving Castle, extraordinary." She laughed and introduced herself. They shook hands.

Juan asked, "what's the Revolving Castle?"

Libra explained: "You'll learn about all this now that you're joining the guild. The Revolving Castle is the superstructure that bridges the three realms of Anwyn. So there are not only portals between Anwyn in the mountains and underwater, but the castle exists simultaneously in each realm. This tower is part of a castle that's an intersection between all three."

Juan felt his eyes crossing trying to picture it. "So let's stay on track here." He updated Bucephalus on all that he and Libra had discussed.

Bucephalus sat down crosslegged. "Have you considered that there may be a better use for a Giant's energies than as an unwilling sacrifice?"

"What's do you mean?" Libra asked.

"The Giants are a hyper mutable people. We become whatever is needed, and some of us can will ourselves to change states of matter at will." As a demonstration, Bucephalus levitated from the ground and gradually transitioned into a pulsating blue sphere of energy. The hair on Libra's and Juan's heads stood up as they looked on in wonder.

He slowly resumed his prior form of a red haired, ten foot tall humanoid. "There are stories in legend of hundred handed giants, giants with bull's heads, giants with snakes for legs. We have heard reports of Giants who have journeyed to the stars. They turn blue without oxygen, breathing hydrogen and exhaling helium."

Bucephalus held out his hand. "If this planet is slowing down and becoming uninhabitable for human life, let me go to the core. I will transmute myself to replenish the Fluid Karma and restore the energy needed to maintain life far beyond a thousand years. I only ask that I may be given fifty years, enough time to find a wife, marry and father children. I want enough time to see them grow to maturity, to protect them, and to teach them wisdom."

"When my children are adults, I will give myself over, and live on in every living soul on this planet."

Libra was weeping. She turned to Juan. "Thank you for preventing me from killing this beautiful spirit." To Bucephalus, she said, "we accept. You give a greater gift to us than any. We will guarantee your safety, and I will send my protectors, the Pillars, to find more of your kind. You have my word, and Juan has the leverage to ensure there will be no betrayal."

Juan nodded. "I'm glad to not be alone in this. If we're safeguarding life, it has to be all life, not just the kinds we're comfortable with."

The next day, the five of them stood together before the tower. Jachin and Boaz had been healed, without even a bruise on their bearded mugs. Libra announced: "the protection of the realms is on Bucephalus as he ventures to find his people. We wish him well."

Bucephalus leaned down and hugged Juan. "No one has ever put themselves on the line for me before," he said, a tear falling from his massive eye. "You've saved my entire race."

Juan patted him on the shoulder. "You're saving this planet, Bucephalus. I hope to see you soon. Farewell, my friend."

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