Joeys Sound of Silence

Joey woke up to discover that the world had gone completely silent. Along with the obvious loud sounds being gone of his annoying boyfriend Robert, gone was all traces of sounds.

No more humming of the AC. No more white noise from the cars on the road or from his white noise machine. No more from his dog Finley as he pattered around the house. Joey realized that silence itself had a sound, a vast nothingness of the void that was now part of his world.

At first, the silence was relaxing. Joey started his morning routine without the background noises to distract him. He was perfectly content to walk around the house using the other four senses he had. However, as Finley came up to him for his daily walk, Joey started to have an eerie feeling.

Would yesterday be the final day he would hear Finley bark? He always took the sound for granted, but in that moment he realized that it was a wonderfully pitched bark when Finley was happy. This was the first sound that Joey realized he would begin to miss.

Over the course of the day, Joey noticed so many other sounds he missed. Along with the trendy songs of the day on instagram, Joey took solice in so many mundane day to day sounds that he always had taken for granted. Sounds like the leaves rustling on the trees, his shoes as they walked on the road, and his fingers as he scratched his head were forever gone.

Robert walked into the room and as Joey began to speak, he realized that in this silence he also couldn’t speak. Robert put his arm out to shake Joey since they couldn’t talk. The shaking became so much more aggressive - to the point that Joey started really feeling it. He felt the shaking so hard that Joey finally woke up to Robert saying “good morning my love. How was your dreams.”

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