Write a poem inspired by a colour.
Pizza And Beer
The color is ocean blue
It’s the label of the Hawaiian beer bottle on my desk, one of the first colors I now see
Eating pizza and drinking beer is maybe not something I should do
But after a long day of work that doesn’t bother me
When I’m tired at the end of the day
My will power doesn’t have much left to say
I just want some comfort food and drink and watch tv
The evenings are just not the best part of me
In the morning I wake up with motivation to grab the day by the horns
But when the day is over I can sometimes feel like I’ve landed in the bushes and thorns
Perhaps I’m occasionally pushing it too hard
I have to admit, that might not be so smart
There is so much I want to accomplish, so much I want to do
But after a day of work some rest is also due
Perhaps a pizza and a beer on its time isn’t the worst thing
Tomorrow is a new day and I’m not sure what it will bring
But I’ll do my best not to use up all my energy, instead to pace myself
So that when the evening comes I’ll pick something healthier than pizza and beer from the shelf