
The older I get, the more I value loyalty. You can fool me with kindness but loyalty speaks for itself.

There is loyalty that you can see as plain as day, take a dog for example or even a cat.

Or when someone sticks up for you, when the other person is wrong. Loyalty can be shown in many shapes and forms. The main foundation of loyalty is having the feeling of support and allegiance.

But then you have the people that give you the illusion of loyalty. The ones who claim they are there for you.

Unfortunately this can be anyone, it could be a close family member to a childhood friend or someone you’re really close to. And, it can be an illusion for many years.

But with some of them, they fool you for a long time. Giving you the false sense of hope, that they are loyal and have your back. It can take many years to realise that their true colours. But eventually it shows.

As I write in my previous blogs, the lessons that hurt the most and that left the worst taste in my mouth, are the ones that I finally grasp. And finally after 20 years of loyalty not been shown from people I classified as family, and the lesson being taught over and over again, I’ve realised something.

If you don’t have loyalty for me like i provide to you then it’s plain and simple. You don’t get the privilege of knowing Lucy.

And that goes for everyone reading this, family, friends or whoever, if they don’t show you loyalty, show them the door. Don’t be fooled by their kindness, look deeper and watch the red flags that constantly appear yet you try to ignore.

Kick those rocks off your path before they trip you up and throw you off it instead.

As the years pass on, thanks to the lessons I’ve been taught, I’ve started to see through these people. And although it may hurt for a couple of days, I get up off the ground, straighten my crown and walk on by with my head held high.

Know your worth, and only give what you’re prepared to lose. Your time is precious, don’t waste it on those who don’t deserve it. And always remember blood isn’t necessarily thicker than water.

On that note, I’d like to leave you with this quote from the famous Buddha:

“If you want to fly, let go of what is weighing you down.”

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