Write a story about two people who hate each other discovering one important common interest that they share.

Think about how you can use this event to tell us something about these characters' personalities or lives.

Opposites Minus Faith

No. He wasn’t supposed to be like that. A believer I mean. He was so irritatingly out there and contradicted everything I said.

“Oh, I didn’t know,” I said after a moments pause.

“You thought I wasn’t a believer, didn’t you?” He said quietly. I caught his jaw tense in hidden anger. Of course I said that and now he dislikes me even more.

“I-“ I was going to defend myself but then I realized I was actually in the wrong to assume he wasn’t like me. A Christian. Maybe he didn’t have all the fruits I thought all Christians should have, and he was always making me mad with his debates, but I had no right to assume he had no relationship with Jesus. Just because it didn’t look like my relationship with Jesus, didn’t mean it was nonexistent. “Actually, I’m sorry, Duke.”

“Sorry? You?” He asked not amused.

“Please don’t,” I shook my head. “I should not have assumed you weren’t a Christian just because we are the complete opposite in everything. Well, except Faith.”

“If there is one thing that proves to me that miracles do happen, it has to be you saying sorry,” Duke said with a laugh. But this time I wasn’t offended. This time I laughed with him. “And I forgive you.”

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