Create a detailed description of a creature with unique defence mechanisms.
Never Spook a Lintiunti
The Lintiunti, also known as the Ticking Puffball, resembles a large pom pom. This species is native to non-tropical islands with lush greenery. It is made up of many single-celled organisms stuck together like Velcro. When it senses danger, they drop bonds and scatter to the winds, as if they were dandelion seeds blown by a child. These have sharp spines, which usually face inwards, like a reverse porcupine. They become lethal as roulette darts once spooked. The poetic thing about these creatures is that once the individual cells launch, they will do everything to come together again. Because of this, the Lintiunti love confined spaces. They spend as much of their lives as they can in their cozy burrow they dig into the trunk of an evergreen tree. The ultimate homebodies! If for any reason one does have to leave, it will don a pair of sticks to walk, as a human might with shoes.