The Letter

*Dear Parallel Self,*

*I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you from a parallel world where danger looms around every corner. Our world is at the brink of destruction, and I fear that we might not survive with out your help.*

*You see, in our world, a dark force has risen, threatening to engulf us all in it malevolent grasp. Our once peaceful land is now filled with chaos and despair, and our people live in constant fear of what tomorrow may bring.*

*I know that this may sound impossible to you, but I assure you that it is very real. The only hope we have left lies in the hands of our parallel selves in your world. You posses the power to save us, to stop the darkness from consuming everything we hold dear.*

*I beg of you, do not ignore this plea for help. We are counting on you to come to our aid, to bring light back to our world and drive away the shadows that threaten to destroy us. Please, find a way to reach us and lend us your strength in our time of need.*

*I believe in you, parallel self. I believe that you have the courage and determination to make a difference in our world. Please, do not let us down.*

*With hope and gratitude,*

*Your Parallel Self from a World in Crisis.*

What. The. Fuck?!

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