Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

Falsified Truths

“Jasper, please-“ Cyn begs.

They’ve been doing that for a while. Jasper hasn’t so much as spared them a glance. He has a lot on his mind, and other things to do. Giving Cyn attention isn’t exactly one of them.

He’s not on good terms with them, and he hasn’t been for a while. They’re angry at each other. No surprise there, Cyn has annoyed him and pissed him off since day one. Jasper isn’t sure why he let them tag along.

He’s not a good person. Not for them, not for anyone.

“Jasper-“ they try again. The glare he sends their way shuts them up.

He glances away again, shoving his few belongings in a bag. Neither of them have much. This is just a hotel room. It was a place to hide out in, but now he needs to leave. Jasper has no intention of letting Cyn follow along this time.

“Keep it down, will you?” Jasper mutters, something like venom spilling into his tone, “The walls are thinner than my patience. Keep talking and the whole building knows your secrets.”

Jasper reaches for the money, counting coins. It’s all they have. His thought process gets interrupted by Cyn’s continued one-sided argument.

“You can’t just-“

Jasper simply rolls his eyes and blocks them out.

He’s not sure what they’re saying, but he probably doesn’t want to know if their frustrated expression means anything. It’s unfair, he knows. Cyn doesn’t get it and he doesn’t want them too. His arrogance is purposeful.

Jaspers already said some not great things to them. Things Cyn didn’t deserve to hear from the likes of him. The things they spit back at him sting, but he deserves it. He knows that.

Shoving the money in their hand is the easy part. The words? Not so much, but he keeps his tone cold with a certain type of ease that speaks years of practice.

“This should be enough and _only enough _to get you home, don’t waste it. I don’t plan on coming back for you.” They can take care of themselves. Jasper wouldn’t leave them with _just_ money if they couldn’t.

Unfortunately, he’s cursed with caring about them. So maybe he’ll spare a few coins.

“Seriously? You’re doing this to me?” Cyn hisses, glancing at the money, “You said you’d help me! You said you’d-“

Jasper scoffs, effectively cutting them off, “I say a lot of things, Cyn. Most of them are lies, just like what I told you.” It wasn’t originally a lie, he’s just saying that to hurt their feelings.

Cyn groans, the annoyance clear, “Why are you _like_ this?”

The huff of air he lets out is sharp and clear through the room. He shrugs vaguely, “Can’t say I’m aware of what you’re talking about.” He is. Jasper just wants them to hate him.

It makes it easier to leave.

Which is why he doesn’t hesitate to sling his bag over his shoulder. He can feign nonchalance easier than he’d like to admit. The soft sigh he lets leave his lips isn’t heard. Not like the huff from before.

“Goodbye, Cyn.” Jasper doesn’t look back before he closes the door behind him. He can hear their angry yelling as he walks down the hall.

It still rings through his ears when he’s on a train miles away. The blood of another staining his finger tips a deadly scarlet.

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