Fire and Flames

Write a poem where fire is the central theme, whether this be physical or a metaphorical burning.

The Combustion Of The American Dream

Shots fired, cup of Stars and Stripes half-empty;

Optimism was a casualty of the Civil War’s second act.

Brother turning against brother

All in the name of their leader’s cowardice.

They say if I can’t take the heat,

Get out of the kitchen.

And in the same breath,

Telling me that is the only place I belong.

Sandwiches with truth in every bite;

How does the swine taste?

Do his boots leave prints on your tongue?

Mudslide of words leaving his mouth—

None that make sense—

As if he just discovered a dictionary at his decrepit age.

This stage of the simulation calls to question reality.

The country is burning

And Daddy pisses on the blaze,

Proclaiming he is the forgotten son,

Forsaken one bleeding rivers of kerosene on the cross.

Do not tread on me—

Serpent lies, venom in Eve’s veins.

It always leads back to the fruit.

And the tree—

Barren branches like skeleton hands reaching out to touch the light,

What is just isn’t always right

And freedom comes at a cost—

Even if it hurts.

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