Write a Valentines Day story or poem about something you love that isn't a person.

It can be anything other than a human; likely humorous, but it doesn't necessarily have to be funny!

Dream Of A Life

I don’t care if someday I die and fall I don’t care I don’t care if I will feel the Wrath cause listen up some day I’ll go Up up up to that world up there and I won’t care cause I’ve lived my good life Good life and it’s been like a dream a dream Ya and I can’t believe it’s mine mine mine just all mine mine mine cause if it’s all mine Mine mine mine then I can swing on that vine Vine vine vine and crash but not fall cause one Day that dream of mine will really really die but As long as I got my dream of a life it’ll be all Nice nice nice till the day I die die die it’ll be All fine fine fine but if you really die would It still be my dream or would I die again It would never be a dream again but till then I Will live my greatest life but but but when You loose a life will you still live your Greatest life but you have live no more More no more you’ll just drop dead Then the grims reaper will pay you a Little visit to death death with no life Cause that dream of a life is over now