
Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.


A bright sunny day going for a drive, the last thing I expected was this. As I passed the coffee shop on the corner, I see a 10 car pileup surrounded by pedestrians fighting each other. The sky is darkened artificially by a blimp flying over. The bodies start to pile up as more and more people file from homes and businesses alike to continue this war on our once-peaceful city’s streets. I stay locked in, knowing I’ll fall if I leave. Finally, after about 20 minutes, I decide to try and drive away. Much to my dismay, I’m already boxed in. Great. I decide to look up to the sky where the blimp rests and see shadows fall from the bottom. As they hit the ground, I see that they’re weapons. All the citizens grab their tools of destruction and continue the merciless slaughter. Once I see the shotput take out my windshield, I know I have no choice but to engage in combat. The baseball bat I keep in my car for protection finally comes in handy. I grab items along the way to add to my array. I look up to the sky, now lit in letters the size of busses that gather to spell the one word that seals our fate. “Survive.”

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