37 Days.

It has been sometime.

Approximately, it has been 37 days.

I don’t think I would’ve ever said a word if you had the option to go on living.

I had all of these mixed up feelings, tucked away for good in the back of my mind.

I never wanted to imagine a world without your soul.

Our souls may not have been untangled completely, but I swear Ive never imagined a world you weren’t in, too.

I wish I would’ve gotten a phone call.

I would have stormed through the house, not knowing what was awaiting before me.

I would’ve told you to drop the gun.

I would’ve told you to leave a note.

I would’ve told you about the file I had for you tucked inside of a dark corner in my head.

It’s always harder to fall out of love, I truly don’t believe we ever stop loving.

Love is in everything.

37 days.

37 days wondering if I could’ve stopped it.

37 days picturing what could’ve happened if I had said something.

37 days wondering what other life exists out of this one, and hoping you found peace inside your mind.

Drop the gun,

I’m here for you.

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