to everyone i love

Life without you would be like

A fish with no gills, drowning in the depths of its traitorous home that was once it’s sanctuary

A ravenous disease with no rectifying cure

A decaying body with a pacified heart too defeated to beat anymore

Illicit drugs with no euphoric high just a constant grueling comedown that would never compete with the feeling of your loss

Clothing with no seams to hold it together, hanging off my delicate frame, my bones the only puzzle pieces that seem to fit together anymore

A flood with no barricade, it free to destroy everything in its path

My soul a haunted house with the echos of your ghost

There would be no life without you because our hearts are one

Wherever yours strays

Mine will follow

I would follow you like Orpheus did Eurydice

If I could stay in this life with you, I would never make the same mistake as he

No temptation would make me gamble my life with you

As I could never live life without you

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