'Your words wound me deeply, but your silence hurts even more.'
Write a story or poem opening with, or containing, this line.
Shadows In The Daylight
She sat there, not saying a word.
“Evangeline,” said mark. “Would you say something? Anything?”
Evangeline didn’t say anything. She didn’t nod her head. She didn’t shake it. She didn’t move.
Mark took her hands into his. “Evie, I know you don’t want me to go but I don’t have a choise. I-I have to go to war. I’m the crown prince and I have to help fight for my kingdom, because my father won’t.” He said. “They won’t fight for you, your mother, not anybody. But I will. And I’ll come back. I promise.”
That was an empty promise, Evie knew that. He couldn’t just promise her something like that not knowing if he’ll really come home or not.
“Your words wound me deeply.” Evangeline said. Her voice hollow and blank. Tears formed in her eyes.
“But your silence hurts me even more…” he said.