Inspired by Bookworm
A world mandate is released that, due to overpopulation, every household must choose one member to be sacrificed.
What perspective will you write from to show the horror of this situation? Think about the different types of households and how different people would react to this news.
The Countdown
The first time I saw the announcement I didn’t think it was true. It was just a normal,boring day. I was making breakfast for my family when my heart stopped. “Due to overpopulation, one member of every household must be sacrificed.” The only people in my house were me, my two younger sisters, and my mom.
These men all over the world slowly started moving house to house, taking the member who was chosen as a sacrifice. The worst part was the phone calls. Calls of friends and family saying goodbye, chosen to be killed off. Our neighborhood was next and we knew we had to decide who was going to be sacrificed sooner or later.
We sat at the table in silence. Tomorrow was the day they came to our house. It was time to choose. The silence was louder then anything in the world till my mom finally broke it. “I’ll sacrifice myself. Your brother is 18 and can help take care of you. It’ll be hard, but it needs to be done.” No.. My little sisters can’t live without a parent. “I’ll sacrifice myself. They need you, mom. I can’t let my little sisters live without a mom.” I said to her, knowing she would say no. “I am your mother. I will be sacrificing myself and that is final.” I pushed my chair out and left the table, silently crying.
I won’t let her sacrifice herself. I need to make a pla-“Isaac, your friend is at the door ”my mom yelled. I didn’t want to talk to anybody right now but I couldn’t just turn him away. Not with what is happening right now.
I walk downstairs and open the front door. I step out onto the porch and immediately get hugged by Christopher, my best friend. I’ve never seen him cry so hard before. “Isaac! My parents are sacrificing me! I don’t want to die!” Oh god. I’m losing him too? I won’t let him die alone. No way. “Don’t worry Chris, you won’t die alone. I have a plan for when they come tomorrow,” I whisper into his ear,” my mom wants to sacrifice herself but I’m not gonna let her. Because we’re neighbors, we’ll be taken at the same time. I’m gonna sacrifice myself and go with you. I promise.” Now I’m crying.
The next day comes too fast, and before I know it my whole family is lined up in the living room. A tall man with his face covered is standing in front of us. “Who’s the sacrifice,” he asks, eyeing down each of us. I don’t even give my mom a chance to speak. “I am,” I calmly say, watching my mom look at me in horror. “Isaac no! Please, you can’t take- you can’t take my son!” She screams. She begs them to take her instead but once someone says they are the sacrifice there is no going back. Her screams get quieter and quieter as they walk me to the car.
Chris is already in there, shaking and crying. I sit next to him and hug him. I’m trying so hard not to cry but I can’t help it. I’m scared. I’m really scared. The drive only took about an hour but it felt like five minutes. The whole time I was hugging Chris, both of us shaking.
We finally arrive at the place. It’s terrible. It’s scary. We get out of the car and I walk next to him the whole time. They wouldn’t separate us. I’d make sure of it.
After a lot of convincing, they let us sit in the same room while we waited. It was a simple process. You face the wall and put your hands behind your back. Then you were shot. Nothing else. Due to Chris and I being in the same room, two workers were brought in instead of one. We lined up against the wall and the 10 second countdown started.
“Thanks for being here Isaac, I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“You’re welcome Christopher. I’m gonna miss you.”
“Me too ,Isaac, me too.”
I grabbed his hand and held it tightly, not caring that it was against the rules to remove your hand from your back. The countdown was almost finished.