Never Gave Love, Never Gave Anything.(song)

Beat: 4/4

Oh now I’m at that certain age

Where the lovers flip the page

And the waves of euphoria

Slowly take my name

Oh now you are at that age

Where your always in a different stage

And all of your constant lies

Mix and turn my brain

Oh your lovely liners

Your group of terrible hiders!

You never gave me anything!

You never gave me anything!

But I gave it all to you!

Oh we are in that certain phase

Where anything can cause rage

And the motions we make

Can cause a different face

And the little hidden details

That you never gave me

And the never ending kindness

Causes a race

Oh your a lovely liar

But not a pretty crier

Or hider

You never gave me anything!

You never gave me anything!

Never ever ever ever at all

But I

Gave it all



Never gave love or anything to me

But now I guess you can finally see

I gave it all to you

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