You are stuck in a room with a psychopath who wants to kill you. You have 5 minutes to convince them otherwise.

Write a short speech to convince this desolate individual to spare your life.

5 Minutes

The ticking of the clock on the wall seems to be getting louder with every passing second. It's hard to believe that just five minutes is all that's left for me to cling on to this life. I can feel the sweat beads rolling down my forehead, and my clothes are sticking to my skin like glue. My hair feels damp and heavy, clinging to my face in a tangled mess. The man in front of me, with a Cheshire Cat smile, seems to be enjoying this moment of power, relishing in the fact that he has the power to decide my fate. His sharp gaze is fixed on me, and I can feel his impatience growing with every passing moment. He is waiting for me to give him a reason, any reason, to spare my life. My heart is pounding so fast that I fear it might burst out of my chest any moment. I know that I need to come up with something, anything, that can convince him to spare me. But my mind is blank, and I can't think of anything that will be good enough to save my life.

“Speak up, girl. Tell me. I want to know why. Why should I let you live?” As the man speaks, I can sense a palpable aura of anger emanating from him with every word he utters. “You’ve been begging me to not kill you, so tell me why I shouldn’t”

“I don’t know.”I summon all my strength and manage to let out a feeble whisper. The man standing in front of me, with his piercing blue eyes, takes a step back and lets out a hearty laugh that reverberates through the room.

“Silly girl.” He puts the gun back against my forehead. I try to get away but like last time it doesnt work. The rope around my wrists are too tight.

Through my tears, I raise my voice and scream, "I am left with nothing! There's no one waiting for me back there. No family, no friends, nothing to go back to!" The weight of my solitude feels crushing as I realize there's no one to turn to and nowhere to call home. But if you have any human decency you’d consider letting me live so I could try to make a better life for myself.“

“Such a pity really. You’re very pretty. But I can’t let you go.” A smile falls upon the face of my killer. “As much as you would say you won’t tell, you will.”

“Of bloody course I’d run straight to the police. What purpose would lying to you make? You’ve made your decision to kill me. You just love the game of making me seem even more pathetic than I already am!” As I take deep breaths, I can feel the fear slowly creeping through my body, making me more and more anxious. My heart beats faster and my palms start to sweat. Every breath feels like a struggle, as if I am gasping for air. The weight of uncertainty and dread is overwhelming, and I can't seem to shake it off. “I might be young but I’m not stupid. I know how this goes. You make me beg because your trying to compensate for your small penis and your impotence. So go ahead. Kill me already. At least you’ll put me out of my misery.”

“Times up girl.”

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