
Part 2????

I woke tied to Mainmast throbbing head ache and a numb leg as my injuries. I had to let them think they could handle me after all I’m going the same place their going to…Bellora. There the only ones who have the map to it. Bellora is the most resourceful island in the Caribbean and I so happen to need the money.

This is how I got here.

Just yesterday I messed up a high paying job trying to persuade a man into telling me when a shipment of gold was coming in.

Long story short I Failed. Miserably Failed.

My father was a on mad that he kicked me out until I got the exact amount which is 50,000 in gold. He trained me personally for this exact purpose. I snuck out last night but they found me.

The last thing I remember was coming out of my hiding spot in middle of the day to get food. It was really a good time to get it. All the pirates were rowing for the wind had stopped.

How do I know that? The captain really likes to swear.

A lot.

Very loudly.

I creeped out to get a tomato and a piece of bread from the gully for I hadn’t eaten in two days. Then I was jumped from the back and slammed to the floor.

“What do we have here?” A deep raspy voice says.

“A stowaway.” Another says.

“And we all know what happens to stowaways!”

They come towards me and pull me to the deck. I have no clue where the Captain is but in doubt he would stop this.

They beat me and beat me until I can’t walk.

I sat there for a few kicks in the face. Until I fall.

“Stop!” A voice says from behind me.

The Footsteps stop behind me “Leave us” the voice says.The others disperse.

It walks toward the front of me I take short quick breathes. Blood is pouring from my nose and legs.Someone stabbed me! But I can’t feel it.

“Come on ”The voice says as he picks me up.

I groan as his hand sweeps my thrbbing stab wound.”I’ll fix you up then we’ll see what the captains going to do with you.”

My vision is blurry from the blood loss but from the outline of his figure he is a strong tall man.

A voice comes out of nowhere

“ Master Neil what are you doing?”

A moment passes

“She stowed away”

“Where were you taking her?”

“To tend to her wounds”

“No you know the punishment for stowaways”

“Yes sir” he turns to the mast and walks there.

He ties me to the Mainmast in tight knots.

I tried to protest but he gags me.

And that’s how I ended up here.

“ She shall stay like this till sunset” he says “If anyone cuts her free before sunset he will answer to…”

I pass out before he finish’s.

I wake on a cot. My injuries have been patched up and cared for. The room I’m in is empty… well I thought.

Neil stands in a dark corner he looks even more muscular than I thought he was.

“Good your awake”

I sigh

“Before they come to put you in the brig can I get a name?”

“How long till we get to the destination?”

“Bout not till you tell me your name”

“Mary Ok it’s Mary”

“Ok Mary we have about three days left on this voyage”he says “But you have to stay”.

“Why?” I ask “You’ve already beat me to where I can’t walk.”

“No,no,no I wasn’t the one beating you I was the one that saved you from being beat more.”he says.

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