“I don’t know why. I just couldn’t help myself.”

Use this sentence as the opening line of a story.


“I don’t know why I just couldn’t help myself” Kate said brightly twirling the knife in her hand.

“You..I can’t believe you..” Cole stuttered he was concerned and confused. Him and Kate had been talking on the phone just a few hours ago and now here she was. In an alley blood spattered on her clothes a red knife and dead body in front of her.

He had never thought her capable of murder just the empty threats. Sure there were times he had to drag her off of people who had bullied her friends but that was just school fights.

Sirens blared in the distance

“that excuse isn’t gonna hold up in court” Cole says

“they can take me to jail, but I’ll just get out” she says. It was true Kate was very resourceful and a lot of people would probably try to help break her out. Maybe she was a little too resourceful.

All Cole could do was look back and forth from the dead body of their class mate and to his best friend smiling and twirling a knife. No, not his best friend this wasn’t her. She would never do something like this, right?

The sirens got louder, who knows if they were coming here or not. Either way they would see the blood then would see Kate and then it was game over for her.

“So are you gonna help me hide it or what” she asks

“no I don’t want anything to do with this” Cole said starting to walk away.

“but that makes you a witness” Kate said catching up to him.

“So what” he asks, he was starting to get scared. This was nothing like her. His panic rose every second she continued to stare at him.

She looked at him like she was plotting something.

“so, the key to a good murder is no witnesses” she says in that cheerful bright voice and a smile that’s as bright as the sun. Then there’s a sudden sharp pain between his shoulder blades but he can’t scream Kate covered his mouth. He can feel the blood oozing from the wound in his back and he sees his vision start to go black.

His last thought is that his best friend literally stabbed him in the back.

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