Write a selection of diary entries by someone who has been abducted by aliens.
Try to convey your character's emotional state through each entry, whilst advancing a plot. How do they handle their situation?
Observe And Report
It’s like they have done this many times before. My “room” or cell is like a presidential suite in a fancy hotel. I woke up in a King size bed more comfortable than my bed at home. I’ve been wandering around the room looking for a way out, but nothing. They haven’t said anything to me, I do feel like I’m being watched though. There’s an intercom on the wall that I’m trying to communicate with, but no response. The fridge is stocked with every food you could imagine, so naturally I started cooking. Got my three meals, watched a couple football games and took a few naps. Today seemed way too good to be true, things were going to good it can’t stay like this.
I was abruptly woken up, no knowledge of what time it was, just a bright light shoved in my face. I was on a cold table and I couldn’t fully open my eyes because of the lights. It must be “them”, I started screaming at them asking “what do you want?!” I couldn’t make out any features. Some gas filled the room and I passed out. I woke up back in the presidental suite on the couch in front of the TV. Someone was there when I got back, not an alien, another person. Laying in the bed just as I did when I first arrived, a woman.
We spent all night (or what we think is night) thinking of how we got here and what these aliens want with us. We have narrowed it down that they may to just observe us interacting. Because we don’t live in the same area back on earth. I’m from NC and she’s from a small town in Utah. We both have regular jobs, nothing life changing. In the back of my mind though I feel like they just wanted to give me a friend. Because even though I shouldn’t trust these things, I get a feeling that they are harmless. I hope I’m right about that.