The Game

Blood. Yes, blood. In fact, handprints formed by dripping blood.

I quickly scanned the narrow path for other signs of danger—nothing so far. I was running out of time.

A scream and a thud caused my pace to quicken—I had to survive this once again.

A yearly occurrence, this was. Me at age sixteen and other girls between ages thirteen and eighteen trapped…trapped in this game merely created for pure enjoyment. Hundreds of men observing us, laughing when a high pitched shriek would interrupt the silence.

I felt confident I would make it—at least I have for the past three years. I will never forget how my own sister, age seventeen at the time, had sacrificed her own life for my skinny, scrawny thirteen-year-old self.

That was why I had to win. Had to escape the beast…for my sister.

As this thought dwelled in my mind, I felt the minuscule dagger made out of metal on my necklace chain—this was hers…Emily’s…

I longed for my sister to return but I couldn’t let that thought interrupt my focus…I had to keep going.

I could hear it, the beast that is, clawing and grinding it’s teeth. Every now and then I could hear a scream and a thud—those were usually the younger ones.

And yet even though this was my fourth year doing this, I couldn’t help but imagine the feeling of the beast ripping me apart, shredding me limb from limb. And the thought of men watching my brutal death.

These thoughts had to leave, though. I was certain I would make it.

My leg muscles were screaming, though. Who knows how long I had been running (I didn’t dare check the time). I could collapse at any moment, but I have to stay focused.

The end was near, after all. I could see the light beam glowing under the trapdoor that lead to the finish. I could then be reunited with my mother, father, and younger brother…

I must stop these thoughts! They are softening my brain when I need it to be the sharpest it’s ever been.

And so, I brought myself back into the game. I could hear the beast even closer now. Because of this, I took off, even though my limbs were about to detach from my body.

Running and running and then…a leap, a roll, and a room flooded with white—I was safe.

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