Art by Sans @

Write a horror or thriller version of a classic Christmas tale.

You Made It

As a little kid believing in Santa was a way that really excited me about Christmas and going to see Santa every year in the Church Hall nearing Christmas really made my year, every year. There was always something so amazing to me that, we literally get presents from a man that doesn’t know us. So in the year is 2010, I was 7 then. We went to the church hall a little later than usual and we did the usual meet up with Santa and spoke to him for a little bit! But because we went a little later than usual we got to speak to him for a little longer because there wasn’t many people there! We stayed there for a little longer and a bite to eat but I had a little feeling something was wrong, something deep down inside of me just didn’t feel right, I didn’t say anything for a while and as we was about to get up to go I heard something, something so sinister as if, it was a cry for help. I told my mother and we sneaked into the back as that’s where they have all their props and everything and all their equipment for whatever they may need… it was a dressed up Santa in chains, he looked like he had been there years and he hasn’t slept much either as it seems. I couldn’t believe it, I was so young. I had so many questions why would someone do this? Who is he? Why has no one asked about his whereabouts. I was in complete shock, we began speaking to him and getting some details such as; what happened and how long he’s been there, he thinks he’s been there years. He has no concept of time. We knew we had to get him out but we also knew that the owner of the church probably knows he’s there as he’s probably the person doing it so we set the fire alarm off and everyone was running for the exit as everyone was running for the exit and the fire alarm was extremely deafening, we decide to punch our way through the back door and try to get him out that way. I’m not going to lie to you it took a hot minute, we was kicking at that door for so long. I’m surprised the people stayed outside so long but yeah we finally kicked out way out and we took all the chains of the Santa and ran to our car before anyone could see us and we went to the police station as he was filed for a missing person 6 years ago. He had many things wrong with him and he was starving, he was so hungry. Me and my mum went to get him something to eat and a drink and I also got him an extra chocolate bar because he looked extremely sad. He ate the chocolate bar and after he came out of the police station, he spoke to us for a while and my mum said he could live at our house for a while whilst the court proceedings were going on and the man responsible was going to court and hopefully going to prison. He was such a lovely man and he got a job working at the hospital near us, he was a qualified doctor but he had to do a recap course as he had been gone for so long, everyone was so happy to see him back. It was the day of the court and everyone was extremely stressed and worried for our new friend Frank, he had gone through a lot and today was his day to get justice and fight for him to get sent down and taken to prison. It was a long long long day, the jury took so long on deciding the verdict I fell to sleep like twice but to my surprise I was woken up with a roaring cheer, he got sent down 28 years and he’s fairly old now; so he might die in prison, who cares. Hope he rots. Anyway, the guy is now living next door and is mine and my mum’s best friend. He comes over all the time and I wouldn’t know where I’d be without him, what a life. If you can ever save someone please do. To you, you may feel like nobody but to someone else you are their world. Goodnight
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