Horoscope Poem

I opened the app like an envelope

Looked at it hard like a telescope

I put my life under the microscope

As I sat and read my horoscope

I’m not one to be naive

And I know they are written to deceive

I did not know what they meant to achieve

Yet today I started to believe

My prediction for the day did so read:

‘A stranger will do you a good deed

And thanks to them you will succeed’

I locked my phone and shock my head

I did not believe what I had read

So I got in my car and drove to my date

With my darling, my lover, my soulmate

After dinner I got down to one knee

And asked if she wanted to marry me

But leave it to me to forget one thing

I realised to late that I forgot the ring

Then I felt a tap on the shoulder

Saw a diamond ring the size of a boulder

Offered to me by a man much older

‘He must be from my horoscope’ I told her

I thanked him many times but I must digress

I was sweaty and nervous I do confess

But thankfully my love did say yes

My horoscope somehow fortold my success

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