Farfetched Becomes Fetched

This author knows the time. Where AI and robots are taking over the world. It’s so spot on when the time lapse of 20 years can see so much change. It’s so realistic to modern times.

The piece of writing hits the nail when it mentions the lack of people. This hits home so immensely as technology increases, humans have no use of other humans.

Robotic trash cans!? I have one! I know they are real. Thankfully, mine doesn’t talk but beeps obediently as it should.

Humans are ridiculously lazy so when pavements are replaced by conveyor belts, travelators if you will, then this piece truly is visionary. It holds a forward perspective that is so refreshing and believable.

Finally, the protagonist realises that as time has changed to this robotic dystopia, that they preferred to be in prison. This metaphor is truly a beautiful irony. Something quite challenging to the ideas of freedom and gets us asking us, what is the reality of the situation. Are we just living an alternate reality? When do we realise what we see is not really what we see? As a critic, this rings so hard for me as an observer. You must read the outstanding masterpiece, otherwise, there is no comfort in our existence.

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