Start a poem with an onomatopoeia and end it with a different one.
An onomatopoeia is a word that mimics the sound of something such as bark, boom, or screech. These sounds can tell a story if used effectively!
The Tree Of Love
As the tree of love fell to the ground,
My heart tucked far away in my chest, nowhere to be found.
The leaves of romance and other relations
Like the land of war torn nations.
However, out of the dead, beauty can be found.
Flowers grow from the depths of the tree,
Moss covered roots whisper in glee.
The music and magic of the forest is all around,
Like a voice
An unstoppable choice.
Natures role takes a toll,
No longer is the world ruled by men,
Nature wakes us all up like the crow of a hen,
Aware of love and the change world
Opening up like one big pearl.
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