Compose a poem centred around the theme of love languages.

Love languages refer to the ways in which we express and feel love.

Not A Romance, But A Curse

The students down the corridor

Walk hand in hand;

The nervous high schooler

Confesses, with an

Evident blush.

The girl opens the chocolates,

And the flowers,

And the cards.

It’s the day of love.

But this year,

Again I am the onlooker,

The person in the crowd,

Involuntarily spectating

Yearly performances

That I can never understand

For who could love an outcast?

A reject

A trash.

Who could write a card

Knowing I would be the receiver?

What cruel prank instructs them

To mock me and my solitude?

So again, this year

I enjoy this day

Of quiet remark

And not a single greeting.

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