Submitted by Indigo

Write a scene that takes place in the snow.

The scene could be centered around the snow or just used as the setting.

Mistletoe and Snow

The cold winter air was frosty, the view was clouded by the fog. All that could be seen was the white freshly laid snow and a faint trail of two sets of footprints leading across what was once a field of daisies. If you were to follow the trail, then you might feel lonely as even though it’s Christmas, you wouldn’t find the warmth of a fire or the joy and delight of a family gathering around waiting for Santa to arrive. The couple walked, the crisp sound of the snow crunched beneath their feet. Walking close enough to them then you could see every detail like the matching timberlands on their feet and the burgundy hats on their heads. Both their coats were black, although they weren’t a perfect match. Both wore blue jeans, tightly fitting - nice and snug. “Where are we going?” Laughed the girl. Her hair was long, straight and a shade of dark brown, it was easily down to half the length of her full arm. Her dark brown eyes met with his as they stopped walking and the snow fell faster around them, already appearing to cover their tracks. His eyes were an emerald green, his hair wasn’t visible though the stubble on his face implied that his hair was of a similar colour. “Emily, do you trust me?” The man asked, his voice was calm though you could hear the gruff sound from within. “Of course I trust you, James.” She paused for a moment, gazing into his sparkling eyes as a smile crept on her face. “Why wouldn’t I?” He smiled back, taking her small hand in his large one, fully covering it with ease. “Then believe me, it’s something you’d like.” They walked some more until they saw a few lights in the distance. Emily frowned, her eyebrows knitted together as she strained to see where the lights were. “You could just tell me?” She fluttered her eyelashes, pouting as she pushed out her bottom lip. James chuckled in response, “We’re almost there, don’t worry.” They wandered some more, slowly approaching the lights. The closer the got the more people appeared. There were kids on the streets, throwing snowballs. Laughter and Joy was seeming to be enveloping the area. They paused for a minute, to avoid a ball of snow, a little girl laughed as she looked up at them. “Look!” The girl exclaimed point up to a tree. Emily and James furrowed their ‘brows, looking at each other before looking up. “Mistletoe!” They smiled in response. “Do you mind?” James asked, cupping her face in one hand. Emily shook her head, enclosing her arms around his neck. The icy winds blew and the snow began to fall faster. Not many drops fell down on their heads as the tree concealed them from the majority of the flakes with its thick lively branches. The couple moved in a synchronised motion, both moving their mouths closer to each other, both partly opening their mouths as they closed the final distance. They moved in a rhythmic motion, as if they were one. Both their eyes were sealed shut. Oblivious to the world but joined as one. It took a moment before they pulled apart. Breathless.
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